Suvad Lelo,
Mirzeta Kašić-Lelo,
Dražen Kotrošan

1 Odsjek za biologiju Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta, Sarajevo
2, 3 NVO Udruženje za inventarizaciju i zaštitu životinja, Ilijaš


Lelo, S., Kašić-Lelo, M. & Kotrošan, D. First findings after organized birdwatching (Chordata: Vertebrata: Aves) of urban and suburban zone at Ilijaš. In this paper a checklist of 47 species of birds of urban and suburban zone at Ilijaš is given. This checklist is a rusult of birdwatching from period march – july 2007.

Key words: birds, Aves, Ilijaš, Bosnia and Herzegovina, biology, taxonomy



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Kotrošan, D. i Papes, M., 2007. Popis ptica zabilježenih u Bosni i Hercegovini od 1888. do 2006. godine. Bilten Mreže posmatrača ptica u Bosni i Hercegovini, 3: 9-38.

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Mullarney, K., Svensson, L., Zetterströ, D. & Grant, P., 2006. Bird Guide. Collins, Graphicom, Milano.

Obratil, S., 1967. Pregled istraživanja ornitofaune Bosne i Hercegovine I (Passeriformes). Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine, (PN) NS, 5: 191-268.

Obratil, S., 1968. Pregled istraživanja ornitofaune Bosne i Hercegovine II (Gaviiformes, Podicipediformes, Pelacaniformes, Ciconiiformes, Anseriformes). Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine, (PN) NS, 6: 227-254.

Obratil, S., 1972. Pregled istraživanja ornitofaune Bosne i Hercegovine III (Falconiformes). Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine, (PN) NS, 10: 139-155.

Obratil, S., 1975. Pregled istraživanja ornitofaune Bosne i Hercegovine IV (Galliformes, Gruiformes). Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine, (PN) NS, 13: 153-161.

Obratil, S., 1976. Pregled istraživanja ornitofaune Bosne i Hercegovine V (Charadriiformes). Glasnik Zemaljskog muzeja Bosne i Hercegovine, (PN) NS, 15: 221-241.



Orintological research in Bosni and Herzegovnina conducted over the pas 120 years had resulted in high knowledge of the local orintofauna. In spite of that, through deatiled analysis of published data, a lack of information on the bird fauna of certin areas and that data for some areas was over 50 years old (Kotrošan i Papes, 2007).

Ilijaš is one example of an area where there’s no data on orintofauna. According to data for the period from 1888. to 1920 (Obratil, 1967, 1968, 1972, 1975, 1976) there was only one species of snake eagle recorded in the Ilijaš area – Circaetus gallicus (J. F. Gmelin, 1788). The interesting thing is that, at the tima, an Austrian orintologist and the curator of the National museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Otmar Reiser, had published a large amount od data regarding Vogošća, Visoko and Kakanj areas. This indicates that he has visited Ilijaš area as well, but, except for the snake eagle, any records of these visits are missing. Since 1998 winter recordings of bird species in the Iliajš area of Bosnia and Herzegovina were conducted (Dervović, 2005, 2006, 2007). Due to the fact that all of this data was published in a summary form, there is no way to accuratly assess which species were recorded in the tighter Ilijaš area, i.e. river Bosna region.

Birdwatching in the urban and suburban regains of Ilijaš have resulted in 47 species of birds being recorded. This birdwatching was conducted in the period from 24th March 2007 to 7th July 2007. The recorded species represent a first review of bird species of Ilijaš. These observations are also an introductory reserch that will be a starting point for reserch in the future years. The results obtained already suggest that the ornitofauna of Ilijaš is very diversa, but some speceise require searching for during specific seasons and in specific habitats, which suggests that observations have to be conducted througout the year.

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