Edita Spahić,
Suvad Lelo

Odsjek za biologiju Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta Sarajevo
Zmaja od Bosne 33/35, 71.000 Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina


Spahić, E., Lelo, S.: The use of the zoosystematic categories names in Bosnian language and classification of the publications with the biological subject matter in the UDC system with the special retrospect on the publications with the entomological subject matter. 1: 73-82. In this papper we give the review of zoosystematic categories names in Bosnian language and their origin at fonetical and fonological level. We also give a brief insight in the beginning and structure of the UDC system and the review of the disposition of the publications with the biological subject matter in the UDC system, especially the publications with the subject matter of zoological systematics at the level of class Insecta.

Key words: UDC, zoosystematic+category, Insecta.



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Use of zoosystematic category names as a part of biological scientific terminology in Bosnian language is not unified, partialy because of unsufficient knowledge in orthography, and partialy because of the lack on record anlysis that would be based on complete overview of names and their origin at fonetic-phonological level.

Furthermore, it isn’t possible in both zoologic and entomologic papers, to get insight into the UDC creation and structure, as well as to have an overview of biological publication arrangement in the UDC system, especially the ones of animal systematic matters on the level of classis Insecta.

There hasn’t been noticed unified use of zoosystematic category names in the papers that are written in bosnian language, partially because of unsufficient orthography knowledge, and on the other hand, because of creation of certain words that mark zoosystematic categories at fonetic-phonological level.

Because of that we give an overview of zoosystematic category names and, where it is necessary, origin at fonetic-phonological level.

In the words “potporodica”, “natporodica”, “potklasa” “natklasa”, “potfilum” i “potcarstvo” comes to a sound equation of consonants, one of the consonant alternations, to whome are liable, so called, “real” consonants –sound ones : “b”, “g”, “d”, “đ”, “ž”, “z” and “dž”, as well as soundless: “p”, “k”, “t”, “ć”, “š”, “s”, “č”, “f”, “h” and “c” because of their different acustic and articulative attributes. These atttributes cause limitations of afore said phenomena distribution in Bosnian language, because it in front of the sound consonant is possible to use only another sound consonant, and in front of the soundless to use another soundless consonant.

This overview shows that UDC system doesn’t name nor different subclasses or all orders of class Insecta. But in the UDC system exist many names that correspond with different systematic position of some organisms group, making this system in some cases unappliable. So it is necessary to make basic steps toward certain changes in this subgroup, in the direction of higher taxonomy ranks (subclass and order), which are, in general wide accepted. Class Insecta represents the most numerous group of the living world and detailed overview of different groups, which deserve to be named, would be too big.

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