Suvad Lelo
Odsjek za biologiju Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta Sarajevo
Zmaja od Bosne 33-35, 71.000 Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina
Lelo, S.: Contribution to the revision of the Rebel`s list of Lepidoptera in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Prilozi fauni Bosne i Hercegovine, 1: 69-71. In this paper were given ten “new” species and four “new” genus in order Lepidoptera for “Revision of Rebel`s list of Lepidoptera Bosnia and Herzegovina” that were found after analysis of the literature data from “Project: E 30 – FS – 20” (Georgijević, 1974).
Key words: butterflies, distribution, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Gligorijević, E., (ed.) 1974: Istraživanje entomofaune šuma Bosne i Hercegovine. Institut za šumarstvo u Sarajevu, Projekat: E 30-FS-20.
Huemer, P., 1996: Ordnung Lepidoptera – Schmetterlinge (Schuppenflügler). In: Hellrigl, 1996: Die Tierwelt Südtirols. Naturmuseum Sütirol, Bozen.
Karsholt, O., Razowski, J., 1996: The Lepidoptera of Europe – A Distributional Checklist. Apollo Books Aps., Stenstrup.
Lelo, S., 2004: Revizija Rebelovog popisa leptira Bosne i Hercegovine. Coron`s d.o.o., Sarajevo.