Emina Šunje,
Suvad Lelo

Odsjek za biologiju Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
Zmaja od Bosne 33-35, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina


Šunje, E., & Lelo, S. Contribution to Alpine Salamander distribution, Salamandra atra prenjensis Mikšić, 1969 (Amphibia, Salamandridae), in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this paper we present new findings and complete recapitulated data about the distribution of the Alpine Salamander (Salamandra atra prenjensis Mikšić, 1969) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Thorough the summer of 2010, E. Šunje has confirmed the existence of the Alpine Salamander on several localities of Čvrsnica Mt. and these are the first findings of the mentioned species on Čvrsnica Mt. in the 21st centuries.

Key words: alpine salamander, Salamandra, atra, prenjensis, taxonomy, ecology, Bosnia and Herzegovina


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Amphibian research (Amphibia Linnaeus, 1758) in Bosnia and Herzegovina are discontinuous conducted over the past 110 years and had resulted in relatively vast knowledge of amphibian fauna. There are 18 species of amphibians in total in Bosnia and Herzegovina: seven of them appertaining to order Caudata Scopoli 1777, 11 of them appertaining to order Anura Rafinesque, 1815.

Literature analyses have shown that the alpine salamanders from Prenj (Salamandra atra prenjensis Mikšić, 1969) are observed on different localities on Prenj Mt. (Podotiš, saddle Otiš – Zelena glava, Kopilice, Vjetrena Brda, Kapa, Tisovica, the path beneath the saddle of Erač, slopes of Soplje peak; according to Bolkay, 1924; Mikšić, 1969; Muftić, 2003; Lelo et al., 2008; Šunje & Lelo, 2008), Čvrsnica Mt. (no concrete localities, according to Anonymous, 2003; Shautz, 2004; personal communication with E. Zuhrić, who confirms the existence of alpine salamanders from Prenj in the highest parts of the climbing route „Kuk” on mt. Čvrsnica in the year 2003. According to: Lelo et al., 2008) and Treskavica Mt. (also without concrete locations; according to Werner, 1898; Đukić et al., 2003). Contacts with the mountaineers from Bosnia and Herzegovina confirmed that the alpine salamander from Prenj is really a rare species, but that it could be seen on Prenj and Čvrsnica Mt. The data which proove the existence of the alpine salamander on mt. Treskavica were never confirmed.

During field work on Prenj Mt..and Čvrsnica Mt. in the summer of 2010. and during informative conversations with mountaineers, some new data emerged regarding the distribution of the alpine salamander from Prenj in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Some old localities that were previously given in the literature were confirmed to be inhabited by the alpine salamander from Prenj. In this paper are also given some new localities which are inhabited by local populations of Salamandra atra prenjensis Mikšić, 1969.

Beside the localities on Prenj Mt. that could be found in earlier literature (Podotiš, saddle Otiš – Zelena glava, Kopilice, Vjetrena Brda, Kapa, Tisovica, the path beneath the saddle of Erač, slopes of Soplje peak), here we give new localities that are inhabited with the alpine salamander from Prenj on the same mountain: Harareve stanine (1.714 m altitude) slopes of Osobac peak (1.700 m altitude) and Zakantar (1.620 altitude).

For Čvrsnica Mt. we give three new concrete locations which are inhabited by local populations of the alpine salamander from Prenj: Peharovi stanovi (1.700 m altitude), Ledeno jezero (around 1.700 m altitude) and the location around the mountain house Vilinac (1.940 m altitude).

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